Saturday, 18 August 2012

7 things for 7 days

I recently saw a post by about mini-goals she's set for herself. The idea of 7 things for 7 days was originally posted by Louise from Sprinkle of Glitter and I thought I'd join in with my own goals :) My 7 things for next week:

1. Keeping fit
I'm aiming to do one type of exercise every day. I like to jog but I also want to add more weight training for toning. I love Pilates but haven't done it in a while so I hope to do at least one session next week.

2. Taking care of my skin and hair
We've been getting a lot of chocolate gifts and sharing them in the house lately. It hasn't been great for my skin! I'm booking a facial or will do my own face mask at home :) I also just cut my hair this week so need to keep it conditioned.

3. Choco-detox
Not to eat any more of the chocolate in the fridge! And to take a multivitamin every day.

4. Read my Spanish
To spend more time this week studying and practicing my Spanish.

5. Get in touch
To message an old friend I haven't contacted in a while.

6. Organize my beauty products
I want to give away anything I don't use regularly or put it up for swap. I love those big clear beauty trunks for organizing makeup, I'll try to find one of those too.

7. Look at further degree courses  
My last thing to do is probably the most important right now. I've graduated from uni but I'm considering doing a further course. It's quite daunting just thinking about studying again after a few years of work, but I'll check all the different courses that are available and make a short list of the ones I might go for.

For the original 7 things post you can visit Louise's blog here...
Have you set any goals for yourself recently?
Or if you've also done a 7 things post please leave your link here and I'd love to check it out :)


  1. Oh, I like this! I'm about to start another semester of school on Monday after having the entire summer off & I'm def going to make a list like this to help organize my life. I recently decided to be really kind to my skin & I ordered a ton of organic skin care products. I've noticed that I'm sooo much more consistent with going through the whole washing my face routine now that I've spent money on quality products.

    1. Hi hun, yes you should make a list! :) I think it really helps especially if the goals are quite specific. Good luck for the new semester!

  2. woo hooo!! YOu can do it!! What great goals! My goal today was to get a ticket paid for. . and done! I set my goals low!!! haha love your post!

    1. haha thanks for the support! :) Starting my 7 things today!

  3. This is such a great idea, I think I might start doing it as well! I've been thinking a lot about organization and goals lately, and mini-goals seem like a good way to go. I recognize a few in your list that I should be trying for, as well :)

    Good luck with your seven, you can do it!

  4. great goals. I have a lot of goals right now and one of them is get back to daily Pilates. I just started back at the University at night. I need to refocus my home life as I work all day and attend school 4 nights a week until 10!
    I promised to go to bed an hour earlier,less computer time at night, prepare my skin for sleep every night, stay organized at home and at school.
    Do paperwork in a timly manner and keep my desk at home tidy.
    Excercise more every day including Pilates at night with crunches before bed.
    Saturday is for seeing friends,dating, excercising and preparing my home, clothing, and schoolwork for the following week. getting all errands done for the week on Saturday.
    Sunday is for relaxing with fun projects I like and cooking food for the week with no schoolwork to rest my brain and have fun.

    1. Yes it's hard sometimes to fit it all into a day! I hope you can get enough rest and find time to de-stress as well :) Working and studying at the same time is a lot to do. I think it's good to ask for help too when it's needed, often we try to do everything ourselves but even just a chat and a coffee with a friend can make things a whole lot better :)


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