Saturday, 3 November 2012

Liebster Award

I've been nominated for two Liebster awards! Thank you guys for reading my posts and to The Sorting House and Kassica both for nominating my blog! Since I have two sets of questions I hope it's okay if I answer them in two different posts.

Liebster Award

Liebster is a term of endearment in German, e.g. sweetheart, dearest :) You have probably seen this award in lots of new blogs as it is meant to be awarded to up & coming blogs with less than 200 followers. A few rules for the award...
- Link back to the blogger that nominated you
- Write 11 random facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger that nominated you
- Create 11 questions of your own questions for blogs you would like to give the Liebster award
- Choose up to 11 blogs to award <3


1. I love to swim and anything to do with the ocean.
2. I play City Story on my iPhone then wonder why I'm spending time creating fictional cities!
3. The last country I was in before this was Qatar.
4. I like Red Velvet cupcakes, yum.
5. My bedroom is painted lemon cream yellow.
6. I have way too much makeup products.
7. I want to plan some type of charity/volunteer vacation next year
8. I love to cook.
9. I would like to learn more about art history.
10. My favourite perfume when I was 17 was Ralph by Ralph Lauren.
11. I love people who have a sense of adventure and are open-minded and kind.


1. What are your goals in life?
To be happy, to be in love, to have adventures, to have children, to always be independent financially and emotionally, to stay humble. I have lots of goals but those are a few :)
Dreams, Friends, Happiness gif
Things you can't buy, by Chibird

2. Where were you born and do you still live there?
I was born in Singapore but actually my parents were living in Thailand then and my Mum just came over to have me. I moved around quite a lot growing up but now I am back in Singapore. I moved here a couple of years ago from London.

Singapore Photo Collage
Sweet Singapore :)

3. Do you speak other languages or do you want to learn one?
I'm learning Spanish now, I think it's a beautiful language and I hope I can speak at least basic Spanish one day! :)

Old Cathedral Salamanca Spain
Crossing Tower of the Old Cathedral, Salamanca, Spain

4. Which beauty product can you not live without?
Probably concealer because I can get dark undereye circles. I really like YSL Touche Eclat and have used it for around ten years I think!

Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat Image
Saving my eyes since 2003!
5. Describe your style in 3 words?
I'm not sure I probably don't have a very unique style :P Maybe classic, city, romantic. I have a lot of clothes from Zara which I guess is quite urban city style but still feminine.

6. Do you believe the world will end this year?
No, I hope not!

7. If you could go on holiday anywhere and money is no object, where would you go and why?

I would go to Antarctica. I just think it's so out there and like nothing I've seen before. It looks so beautiful but it's so expensive to organize travel there.

Penguins in Antarctica

8. What type of music do you listen to when you need cheering up?
I listen to all types of music so I think it would just be any song with good vibes and good lyrics.

9. Do you believe in the supernatural, if not which is the most plausible?
I'm not sure, maybe. I believe in God so I guess so.

10. Who is your style icon?
Some of my favourites lately are: Christine Centenera, Miranda Kerr, Olivia Palermo and Poppy Delevingne.

Christine Centenera Style Montage
Christine Centenera

Miranda Kerr Style
Miranda Kerr

Olivia Palermo and Poppy Delevingne Fashion Icons
Olivia and Poppy

11. If you had to wear one outfit for the rest of your life what would it be?
One amazing summer dress.


Armando at Blog literario y fotografico
Shannon at Awash with Wonder
Tami at Bohemian Treehouse
Michelle at Another No Mail Day
Katie at Theory Twenty One
Andie at Andies Traveling Pants
Julianne at A Little Lacey
Marienni at Marienni
Elle at Lipstick & Lace
Anne at Moments of Libra
I'm really not sure if a few of these have more than 200 followers! My questions for you if you choose to accept are...

1. Where would you love to live for a year?
2. What song have you had on repeat lately?
3. What do you like about blogging?
4. What makeup brand and products do you use most often?
5. What do you want to do by the end of this year?
6. If you were an animal what would you be and why?
7. Describe the country/town you live in in 3 words?
8. What is something you feel strongly about?
9. Flowers in hair. Cute or Disaster?
10. What is your dream job?
11. What is something you would try if there was guaranteed no risk involved?

xoxo Becca
Pictures via 1, 2


  1. Thank you, sweet Becca for nominating me for the Liebster award :D

  2. Fantastic answers, Singapore looks beautiful I would love to go there on my travels one day. Touche Eclat is amazing, I haven't bought it for a while as I seemed cursed with it, every time I had it I lost it after a couple of weeks! P.s. I love your image of the day!

    1. Thanks! I enjoyed answering your questions. Image of the Day is my boyfriend's photoblog :)

  3. Just stopping by on the blog hop! Congrats on the Liebster awards! I am now a follower and looking forward to stopping by your blog often!

    1. Thanks for following! I'm following back now :) Don't think I've tried the eggnog latte by the way but it sounds good :P

  4. Thank you for nominating me! I'm going to have a good nosey of your blog now :)


  5. Thank you so much for nominating me and following! I'm following back now(:

    Singapore is one of the places I'd love to visit, and I wish I knew how to speak Spanish. I'm limited to being fluent in just English at the moment, but I'm hoping to become better in Chinese and French when I have the time!

    Lipstick & Lace

    1. Thanks Elle! Glad I stumbled across your lovely blog! :)

  6. Found you at the blog hop and loved your post!

    New at blogging but would love for you to stop by,

    Kasey @

  7. Querida Becca: Como te dije te escribiré en español para que practiques. MUCHAS GRACIAS POR EL PREMIO. Creo que ahora tengo que contestar a las preguntas en mi blog ¿no? En cuanto tenga un poco de tiempo,lo haré.
    Me ha gustado mucho tu entrevista, así te conozco mejor. Fíjate has puesto una foto de Salamanca, precisamente la ciudad en donde yo vivo, ya ves que casualidad.
    Ánimo con el español; espero que mi blog te sirva para seguir practicando ¿eh?

    Un beso

    1. Gracias Armando, reading your blog will definitely help me practise! :) Wish I could write this in Spanish, so far I only know very basic but I can understand quite well what you have written :) Yes, only if you like to answer the questions please do. I realized a few of them are more for ladies, you can skip those, sorry about that!

  8. LOVE that light blue dress! Gorgeous!

  9. Great answers! I love the pictures of Miranda Kerr :)

  10. Love your blog!

    I'm now your new follower :)


  11. Congratulations on your two nominations! That's terrific, and must feel amazing. That's really a pat on the shoulder, I think, and tells you that you are doing a great job. :D
    This was a really interesting read. I love that you are learning Spanish, too (I am as well), and I, like you, hope to be able to just speak basic Spanish one day. Like, that is my goal right now, as everything beyond that seems unlikely or me. Don't you think it's hard?
    Love xoxo


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