Saturday, 15 September 2012

On Stress and Relaxation

via Pinterest
Hi all. This week has been pretty stressful, lots of things going on and also my Sis was having some intense head pains. We were in and out of A&E, scans and she was also admitted to hospital for a night. It seems to be a flare up from stress, thankfully she's a lot better now. 
What helps you to manage stress?  For me, getting lots of sunlight being out and active during the day, running on my treadmill and also just taking time to relax. I love reading a book in my room with some aromatherapy oils burning and a warm cocoa. I found this link a while back - 55 ways to take care of yourself, for the busy girl. I hope it gives you some good ideas too when you're feeling stressed. For now it's Saturday and I'm ready for the weekend and a good night out! :)


  1. hi becca sorry u had such a busy week! the weekend is here so i hope u havea great one! my house is also noisy with kids baby renovation works dog etc so i just need to have some quiet me time at night to unwind x

    1. Thanks Mandy, having a nice weekend here, hope you're enjoying too :)

  2. Sorry to hear about your sister, must have been quite a scare! It's still a struggle for me to manage stress effectively - going to check out that article you linked to, thanks :)

    1. Yes we were all quite worried about her but luckily nothing too serious. Hope the article is useful :) xoxo

  3. Hi there.Sorry about your sister, I am glad she is better. I find that exercising helps with my stress. I carry all my stress in my neck and shoulders and a good workout helps relieve the tight and tense muscles. I like the link you posted. Has some great advice in it.

    New follower from the Blog love therapy hop.

    Catriona @ Precious Impressions

    1. Hi Catriona, thanks for following and your kind words. Exercise really works for me also, I love running :) Following your blog too.


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